Wells College Students

With announced closure, learn how EC can help.箭头

校园 Center Dining Hall

我们的自助式校园中心食堂提供10个手工制作的餐台供客人享用! 学生的最爱和菜单上的主食每天都可以满足他们的渴望, 每个电台都提供旋转功能,让你的味蕾跳舞. Many items are made to order or customizable, 确保无论喜好或饮食限制,总有东西可以享受! 

Dining Hall Hours

The 1855 Room

Named after the year Elmira College was founded, 我们的咖啡店是校园的一个中心,是一个闲逛一会儿或快速加油的地方, 拥有一个广泛的菜单,您最喜欢的咖啡和茶饮料, as well as some sweet treats and prepared food items. 上课前快速喝杯拿铁,或者坐下来喝杯冰咖啡和烤点心来完成一些工作.

1855 Room Hours


MacKenzie's is our night owl hangout spot, 非常适合那些深夜想吃东西的人,或者当你需要额外的动力来完成任务时. Located in the 校园 Center, you'll find a warm, pub-style atmosphere with fresh, made-to-order burgers, 披萨, and deli items. 这是一个很受欢迎的地方,举办许多学生活动,你可以在整个学年中享受.

MacKenzie's Hours

A group of female students talk around a dining hall table
A dining hall worker prepares bowls of fruit

Dietary Considerations

我们致力于为每个人提供各种美味和填充的选择, regardless of unique dietary restrictions. 除了我们的新灵感饮食站,还提供不含前九种食物过敏原的菜单, 我们的许多站点提供定制选项,以使您的用餐体验适应您的个人需求. All items are labeled with our allergen and dietary lifestyle icons. 请mg冰球突破豪华版下载,以便我们与您合作,确保令人难以置信的美食体验.

Contact the Chef


Dining Sustainably at Elmira

Partnering with Parkhurst Dining, 我们的FarmSource®计划致力于寻找并与当地最好的种植者和生产商合作. By working with local producers, 我们可以在不损害我们对食品安全的承诺的同时,提高我们餐饮选择的新鲜度和质量,同时支持和加强当地农业社区.


Meal Plan Options

Let us do the cooking and dishes. 膳食计划为监护人和学生提供灵活性,便利性和安心. 一份膳食计划可以让学生们在已经吃得满满的盘子里多做一件事,让他们在享受触手可及的健康膳食和零食的同时,把注意力集中在学业和课外活动上. 当学生们饿了想吃一顿饱饭的时候,就会有餐券, 而随附的弹性美元则在没有时间吃饱饭的情况下提供灵活性. Meal swipes are used in the 校园 Center Dining Hall, while Flex Dollars are used in 麦肯齐的 and The 1855 Room.

Add or Change Your Meal Plan

Anytime Access Plan

住在校园里的学生必须参加全面膳食计划,除非他们获得医疗豁免. 弹性美元在整个学年中分配:第一学期400美元, $400 in Term II and $200 in Term III. Unused Flex Dollars are forfeited at the end of the spring term. There are no refunds on the flex dollars.

  • Unlimited meal swipes
  • $1,000 Flex Dollars

Commuter Plan A

这个计划最适合那些只有短暂的课间休息,没有时间离开校园的学生. 整个学年共发放50张餐券:第一学期和第二学期共发放50张餐券, and another 25 meal swipes for Term III. 弹性美元在整个学年分发:第一学期200美元, $200 in Term II, and $100 in Term III. Unused Flex Dollars are forfeited at the end of the spring term. There are no refunds on Flex Dollars. 每个学生的费用是第一学期750美元,第二学期750美元,第三学期390美元.

  • 125 meal swipes
  • $500 Flex Dollars

Commuter Plan B

这个计划最适合那些想要灵活地将自己的食物带到校园或在我们的用餐地点之一用餐的人. 当你在课间忘记带午餐或没有时间做饭的时候,这是完美的. 在整个学年中,总共有25张餐券,第一学期和第二学期都有, and 15 meal swipes for Term III. 弹性美元在整个学年分发:第一学期200美元, $200 in Term II, and $75 in Term III. Unused Flex Dollars are forfeited at the end of the spring term. There are no refunds on Flex Dollars. 每个学生的费用第一学期为500美元,第二学期为500美元,第三学期为250美元. 

  • 65 meal swipes
  • $475 Flex Dollars

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